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Showing posts from May, 2021
 A new piece on who MoPhunk is and a better insight of where he comes from. An article by Jerry Doby
 a new blog feature from Dope Material Magazine on AFROBOTS,  an EP by MoPhunk. Here he teases us with a track titled A DAY IN THE LIFE. Here MoPhunk just slides through the beat like a hot knife through butter as he effortlessly rides the wave of the beat like an audio lyrical surfer creating a tune that is easy to digest as he tells you about a typical day in his life as an AFROBOT! 
 Good Day  We are very excited to notify you that MoPhunk is ready to drop another project soon.. to be exact he is putting out an EP on the 27th of May that is titled AFROBOTS. It touches on topics about how we are being used and controlled subliminally Afrobots. Seems self explanatory to most minds. People are behaving like they are all being controlled, behaving like an android. You press this button, then something pops up, you press another one something different happens. They are told how to behave and act as if one cannot naturally express themselves. We are told how to think, what to do, what not to say, and now we are even told how to breath.  I wrote this, and when I wrote it I felt an energy of enlightenment and liberation. I had to put it out and make you feel what most people go through in their lives. Its not art/music if it has no feelings  MoPhunk wrote this in predicting how we will all soon be together, and be one again. Below is the album art and...